Exhibition on Stage. God from the Machine
Gediminas Akstinas
David Bernstein
Agata Erlacher
Rūta Junevičiūtė
Julius Kuršys
Robertas Narkus
Dainius Liškevičius
Ona Lozuraitytė
Marija Olšauskaitė
Petras Olšauskas
Jurgis Paškevičius
Egla Suckmafinger
Šventinis Bankūchenas
and more
God from the Machine (composed in 2013) is a piece of exhibition fiction. In a group show filmed on a theatre stage, artworks appear as main protagonists of the story. The story itself is happening on a ship and is developed using the narrative tool called deus ex machina or ‘god from the machine’ – derived from ancient Greek theatre where a stage machinery would bring the god character to solve the problem in the story. Here, in this group exhibition of objects, sculptures, actions and transitions, the plot device - god from the machine - inhabits each of the appearances on stage.
Filmed in 2013 in Vilnius, this travelling exhibition is sealed in twenty minutes long video.